Earn Social Coins and exchange them for products, courses and services from Astana Hub

1 SC = 1 ₸

Now, in short... What is Social Coins?

Social Coins is a virtual currency used on our platform. 1 Social Coins is equal to 1 tenge.

The accumulated amount of Social Coins can be viewed on your Astana Hub profile or in the marketplace header.

How to earn Social Coins?

Perform various actions on the platform, for example, publish a post or write comment. You will receive XP for successful completion

When you reach a certain level, you will receive badges and Social Coins

The more rewards you earn, the greater your ranking will be!

What can I spend Social Coins on?

Social Coins can be exchanged for real goods and services on Astana Hub Marketplace:

Questions - Answers

  • 1. Can I exchange Social Coins for money?

    Social Coins are not exchanged for real money, but you can use them to purchase goods and services on Astana Hub marketplace.

  • 2. Can I gift Social Coins to another user?

    At the moment, there is no function of giving Social Coins to other users.

  • 3. How can I sell on Astana Hub?

    Currently, Astana Hub Marketplace only allows you to purchase goods and services, but we are working on the ability to sell in the future

  • 4. How do I pay on Astana Hub Marketplace?

    Payment on Astana Hub Marketplace is made with the virtual currency Social Coins (SC), where 1 SC equals 1 KZT.

  • 5. What should I do if I have problems with my purchase or return?

    If you have any problems with your purchase on Astana Hub Marketplace, our support team is here to help you. Just contact us on 1818 and we will solve your problem quickly and professionally. Your shopping pleasure is our top priority.

  • 6. How does delivery work?

    At the moment we have only self-delivery at 55/8, Mangilik El Avenue, Astana, Block C 4.6, you can also contact our support team at 1818, +7 7172 73 50 89.

For additional questions, you can contact: